Author: Guest Admin

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle in My Senior Years

As I get older, I realize more and more how important it is lead a healthy lifestyle if I want to enjoy and get as much out of each and everyday as I possibly can. For me leading a healthy lifestyle not only consists of eating right, exercising, having regular medical checkups, getting enough rest and the other basics of healthy living. It also means enjoying life to its fullest potential. If we aren’t happy with ourselves or life in general, eating that “apple a day, to keep the doctor away”, really isn’t that important, in my book. Here are some of the things I try do to lead a more healthy lifestyle.

  1.  Diet: I’m more aware now then ever before of the foods that I consume, and the ones to avoid to keep myself healthy. I try to keep that salt shaker at arms length, as heart problems do

The Way to Good Health by Eating the Right Foods

Growing up in a home where a family wants to do the right things is not always easy. There are so many issues and obstacles around waiting to trip you up from your course. There is the matter of price, availability, and accessible location of the foods you need to keep in good health. People also contribute to the dilemma by putting you in situations where you do not want to be rude as if the food isn’t good, and end up letting curiosity take the best of you.

The after effects of such a splurge following so many years of abuse can lead to serious health problems that will require better judgment for the rest of your life. Needless to say, it is no picnic to feel sluggish, constipated, nauseous, and just not up to all the tasks in the day. I will share with you what my family …

Politics and the Parallels with Personal Health

Nationally, we’ve become too blasé’, too accepting that someone else is the authority and that they’ll watch over our best interests. The majority of us have decided that we’ll take someone else’s word for what’s best, who we should vote for and what we should know and believe.

I talk to lots of people about various subjects and recently the subject of both the national dilemma and personal health have kept coming up. We all have different opinions about the cause and what can be done.

Most people are adamant that something needs to be changed on the national scene, but seem complacent about their own personal health and how they deal with the parts of their personal lives that aren’t working. They think they’re too busy to be involved with politics and personal health, yet strongly feel that others should be more responsible and take the time, no matter …

Google Health: the Future of Personalized Healthcare

The ocean breeze feels cool on your face. The fragrant tropical fauna is gorgeous. The local cuisine has been an adventure for your palate. For the past year, you’ve planned this vacation. You’ve researched all the attractions and planned out your out your itinerary down to each meal. But, you never planned on this. Suddenly, in the middle of paradise you become desperately ill. The doctors have tested you for everything they can think of but are stumped. They think it may be an infection, but you could be allergic to the antibiotics they give you. What you need is immediate access to your medical records, immunization history and allergy information.

Search engine giant, Google, has continually provided innovative new services for Internet users and Google Health is about to break through as the next Big Thing. Other companies, like GE have developed this technology within medical facilities, but none …

DanceX Total Body Cardio: Workout DVD Review

Kenn Kihju is back with a new DVD “DanceX Total Body Cardio – Everybody’s Workout”. This DVD is for average individuals who have problems in doing the complex gyrations that should be done under guidance of professionals. People invariably lose interest once they fail to master the difficult movements. But DanceX Total Body Cardio is enjoyable workout regimen. Even seasoned cardio exercisers will vouch for that.

For a person who was once a performer on the streets, Kihju seems quite adept in performing various types of dancing steps. He has used an assorted collection of movements from popular dancing forms from different parts of the world, and integrated them into a cardio exercise. So don’t be surprised if you find a mishmash of John Travolta point, twists, Irish kicks, hitchhikes, and disco rolls, in DanceX. A major plus point of DanceX is that the selected movements can be done in …

HEALTHY EATING Archives – Clean Eating, Diet and Weight Loss Tips – Healthy Recommendations – Clean Eating, Diet and Weight Loss Tips – Healthy Recommendations

Your diet is a key to be successful in losing weight. Food is important to keep your brain charged up and pump up more energy in your muscles. Become accustomed to healthy habits or even practising healthy eating isn’t a difficult task as most of us imagine. If you want to know how wondrous healthy eating can be; you should start eating the nutritious foods. Simply, shed more pounds, get the clearer skin, and feel healthier and happier!

3 Energising Superfood Smoothies To Start Your Day 

  • Healthy Recipes

A smoothie is a great way to start your day with a nutritious vitalising punch!  Best of all it is quick and easy to make.  Not all smoothies are created equal though.  Did you now you can easily supercharge your morning smoothie by adding some superfood?  Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that…

Easy Pre and Post Workout Meals 

As …

How to Keep Your Child Healthy During the School Year

Keeping your child healthy during the school year can be a real challenge. Parents often find themselves rushing around, and trying to get everyday stuff done. Food is usually the last thing on the list for many unfortunately. With so little time left in the day many parents choose to just give the kids money to buy whatever they want for lunch. Dinner is often taken out, or just something that can be defrosted.

There are however several things that you can do in order to keep your child healthy during the year. The first thing that you can do is plan out your monthly meals for the month. Some tend to plan it out for the week, but I have often found it better to do for the entire month. All it takes is about one hour out of your entire month to plan out a healthy menu for …

Are Elliptical Machine Workouts a Good Choice for Getting into Shape?

When it comes to getting into shape, there are so many fitness options these days. From treadmills to stairclimbers, there’s a machine designed to get you into shape. One of the most popular options both in gyms and for home use is the elliptical machine. Elliptical machine workouts are done on a specially designed stationary machine that simulates the movements of walking without requiring that the feet be lifted off the ground. Although most gyms usually have one of these workout machines available, many people choose to buy one and keep it at home to avoid the expense of joining a gym. What are the advantages of elliptical machine workouts?

It’s low impact.

This is probably the biggest advantage of elliptical machine training. You can get an efficient workout without lifting your feet off of the platform. This low impact type of workout causes less joint stress and reduces the …

Why Eat Fast Food When You Could Be Eating Healthy

Everyone loves to eat out sometimes. There is always those days when you don’t feel like cooking or you’re in a hurry and need a fast meal. Did you know that a majority of the world is considered obese? The reason is simple; fast food. Too many people are getting lazy and just ordering out or stopping at McDonalds. I want to give you some information on the foods that you may eat at these fast food restaurants. If you are not trying to gain weight or you are eating on a normal 2,000 calories a day then fast food is not the way to go.

Let’s focus on McDonalds for a minute. Every time I go there I order off the dollar menu and I get two chicken sandwiches and a small fry. In each one of those sandwiches there are 550 calories and there is 210 calories in …

Healthy Drink Recipes: Natural Cranberry Drinks for the Four Seasons

Yes indeed, summer time drinks are delicious and very enjoyable, but the flavor for enjoying these healthy drinks does not end with the summer season. Healthy drinks can be enjoyed all year long; this is the first in a series of my greatest healthiest drinks for all the seasons. The rule of thumb – is one that I must make perfectly clear, do not add ice with these specialty healthy drinks. The drinks should be served cold, either in a frosted glass, or freshly mixed with the simple two step method, in return – will be a part of a daily regime for the betterment of overall health.

Serves 4 to 6

The Tree of Life Cranberry Drink

1 Half-Gallon of Turkey Hill Raspberry Tea

1 oz. of the Tree of Life cranberry concentrate, or favorite concentrate

1 ½ lemon

  1. Add 1oz. of Tree of Life cranberry concentrate to 1