Author: Guest Admin

What Drinking Soda Can Do to Your Health

Few people would argue that soda isn’t all that healthy- all that sugar, all those calories. But boy, soda sure tastes good! That is, until you realize what soda can ultimately do to your health over time. Knowing that soda is more than just empty calories is a real eye-opener, and can persuade an individual to make healthier beverage options. Here are just some of the consequences that may be paid by drinking soda in excess.

Soda can be devastating on the liver, almost as bad as drinking alcohol can. With the liver fighting so hard to expel all that fructose, sucrose and other unsavory components of soda, from the body, a person can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver, never having had an alcoholic beverage.

Your kidneys can suffer as well. Cola type beverages seem to have a greater impact on kidneys than non-cola drinks do, but nevertheless, …

Employers – How to Promote Healthy Lifestyle for Employees

Every employer is cutting back expenses. A sick employee is an expense. How much is sick leave costing an employer? The employee is probably being paid when he or she is out sick and the work is not being done. The employer looses twice the money for every day an employee is out sick. How can the employer recoup the loss of money? He or she cannot recoup a loss from illness. That money is gone.

What would be a good way of getting an employer’s monies worth out of an employee? Everyone must invest money to make money. If an employer invests money in his or her employee, he or she will get twofold back.

Giving an employee a chance at a healthy lifestyle will make an employer money. The employee will have better moral, be happier, work harder and miss less work saving the employer money on sick …

The Health of Haiti's Children

The health of Haiti’s children has many Charlotte locals concerned. While most who live in Charlotte won’t be able to visit to Haiti to help with the situation, a few will make that trip.

The health of Haiti’s children has long been the main focus of certain charitable groups. However, some don’t have the funds needed to help on the level that is required. After the earthquake on January 12th, several churches and organizations in Charlotte formed partnerships to strengthen their efforts. There is the possibility that many who survived the earthquake may later die from their injuries or infections.

Children who are not able to be identified will eventually be turned over to orphanages. Children are being treated by physicians who say some won’t talk, or are too young to speak. Meanwhile, agencies are coopering to create a database to help parents find missing children. Some expressed concern that

Child and Family Health: How to Fight Obesity in Children and Families

Being overweight may trigger numerous health problems. It is necessary to keep the body and its caloric needs in balance. Obesity is characterized by extremely high amounts of adipose tissue, which is commonly called body fat. Desirable weight standards, known as the body mass index (BMI), represent weight to height ratios which are associated with the lowest risks for overall health. A human being is classified overweight when his/her BMI is around 25 to 29.9 and obese when the BMI is 30 or more.

Young adults are particularly at risk for being overweight or obese. A lot of studies have verified that overweight children turn into overweight adults. In children and adults obesity increases the danger of life threatening situations, which include high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, sleep disorders, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, eating disorders, joint problems, depression, asthma, anxiety, and generalized apathy.

Causes of obesity in children

Enjoy a More Healthy Lifestyle

The general population are now more than ever becoming increasingly conscious of the need to have a healthy lifestyle. Problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol are less likely to occur if thought is given to diet and exercise.

If you find it difficult running for the bus and get out of breath if you climb the stairs then it may be that the time for change has come. If you spend your day lounging about and eating junk food and drinking soda then you will be limited to what amount of exertion you can undertake. You will find it hard even to play around with your children.

One of the side effects of being overweight is that it makes you insulin resistant and you are more likely to develop diabetes. You are also more prone to suffering from cancer and it is well known that …

Military Children's Health Suffering Due to Parent Deployment

In these times of war, many of us know someone who has been deployed. We worry about their safety and think about when they will return. But what happens to those who are left behind? Spouses, children, other family members, and friends, go through their own share of problems when someone they know is deployed. However, studies have shown that military children suffer the greatest.

The Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics published a new study that was conducted by military doctors and researchers. They studied military spouses of deployed Army Soldiers with children, ages 5-12. The survey appraised the level of strain that the deployment has taken on the family. It found that a third of military children that have a parent who has been deployed are at a higher risk for psychological problems, than those who are not.
The study discovered different factors that contributed if someone would …

Review of Bean Deluxe Full Body Workout System

If you have no time to go to the gym, refuse to go to the gym or are simply more comfortable working out at home, I suggest getting the Bean Deluxe Full Body Workout System. Instead of buying expensive machines and bulky equipment for your toning and firming exercises, the Bean Deluxe Full Body Workout System is a more comfortable and fun way to get fit.

Best of all, it is effective. I have been using it for three months now and already, I see the difference in the muscle tone of my abs and upper arms. My husband, a serious gym rat has now been converted to a Bean Deluxe Full Body Workout System user because he just finds it so much easier to use. The Bean Deluxe Full Body Workout System includes the following: one Bean Deluxe, one exercise DVD, one instruction guide, one exercise chart, one foot …

Serious Health Concerns and Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a preventable problem that seems to be getting out of control in today’s youth. Overweight children are developing serious diseases such as type II diabetes and heart conditions. These conditions can even worsen as the child’s weight elevates and they grow older. However, many of their weight problems and serious illness is perfectly preventable simply by eating healthy and exercising. Because of this serious epidemic in children, pediatricians are trying to screen patients more carefully. But, there are some things that the parents, schools and communities can do to offer additional assistance with this serious matter.

Obesity in a child can be controlled, thus serious heart problems, congestive heart failure and even diabetes are preventable in this population. Parents need to offer fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain snacks instead of the popular and high fat chips, sugary drinks, candy or ice cream. Choice is very important for …

Premature Health Complications in the Type A Personality

As we all know, there are certain personality types that tend to feel greater distress in their lives. For the most part, the type A personality is an individual who often physiologically and psychologically responds to the stressors in their lives and, as a result, experiences a more prevalent set of health conditions with aging. But, what makes these health conditions form in the Type A overly stressed individual?

First, let's look at the common health conditions that develop, prematurely, in the Type A personality. Heart disease is believed to be a leading cause of health complications in the Type A personality with many experiencing an increase in blood cholesterol levels, a decrease in the output or ability to decrease cholesterol levels and an increased risk for the platelets to bind to the walls of the veins and arteries.

When these physiological complications are present, the arteries begin to clog …

Childhood Health Problems Solved

There is nothing more worrying to a parent or carer as when your child becomes unwell. There are many common childhood health problems that are easy to spot and treat with the right information. Here you will find two of the most common.

Diaper rash is among the most common although it can be extremely uncomfortable for the child it is not dangerous and can be remedied easily at home. Diaper rash is caused when the skin stays wet from rubbing against the diaper and also from the chemicals that the baby naturally excretes. It is most common in very young children but can occur at any age that the child or even adult wears incontinence pants or pads continuously. As a diaper or incontinence pad wearer will sleep for many hours, this is usually the cause for the rash. Also some people are allergic to the materials that the …