Author: Guest Admin

Healthy Eating Means Eating Foods You Like in Moderation

If you’re trying to lose weight or just to eat a healthful diet, you realize you cannot eat cookies and cake and potato chips and all that good stuff every day. But here’s some good news for you – you don’t have to give up the things you love forever! You can eat what you like, only in moderation.

Eating treats in moderation helps eliminate those cravings that we otherwise try to ignore but inevitably end of giving in to. And when we give in, we often binge on the “forbidden” item. Instead of telling yourself an item is forbidden, tell yourself that you choose to eat that item, but only in moderation.

Eating something in moderation means eating it in small amounts. It also means not eating it every day. Now, if you have a real sweet tooth or just love potato chips, the idea of eating them in …

Healthy Eating Tips for Children

Getting your child to eat healthy is often a struggle, especially during the ages of the terrible twos when children start forming very strong preferences. Also, kids nowadays are exposed to so many advertisements on junk food that it completely undermines all efforts to make them eat healthy food. Is there any other way to get them to eat healthily without resorting to force, tears and a lot of heartache?

Fortunately there are simple ways to do this. Here are some of them:

  • Engage your child in active play. Fun activities like ball games, biking, especially swimming, and others are great ways to get your kid to exercise and build up an appetite. The simple logic is that when the body exhausts all stored up energy, it needs to replenish by resting and EATING!
  • Save containers from pre-packaged food and reuse them. I once filled an instant-noodles-cup with a healthier

Creating Healthy Boundaries for Our Children in an Often Lax Society

In our culture, “discipline” is a word that often carries ugly connotations. People are prone to imagine beatings, grounding, harsh language and anger. But discipline in its positive aspect simply involves an adult being an authority; and it is a way for parents to demonstrate to their children the love and concern they hold for them. Ground rules give children a safe structure within which they can explore and grow. Reigning in their energies prevents over-stimulation and exhaustion. Discipline is one of the cornerstones of healthy rhythm in a child’s life.

Consistency is another. Children will one day enter into the adult world, and they need to trust it. Constructive routines in the home and consistent rules for behavior will help to instill in them a sense that the world is reliable. Parents risk undermining this trust if they vacillate too much in their own attitudes and behavior. Children then …

A Healthy Life Starts with a Healthy Pregnancy

Staying healthy ought to be the primary concern for every individual, and more so for an expectant mother, as her fitness determines the baby’s health. Biologically, every woman is designed to have a normal pregnancy, but with just some extra care she can safely have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy not just signifies the health of the mother to-be, but also that of the developing fetus. Therefore, physical and mental well being of the expectant mother is foremost for a healthy pregnancy. The golden rule toward a healthy pregnancy has always been fairly consistent – maintaining a nutritious and well balanced diet, exercising regularly, abstaining from cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs and the like, and having specific supplements as a protection against birth defects.

Modern science has made tremendous advancement in the early detection and prevention of birth defects. One such established discovery has been on the usage …

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks

Alcohol tends to get a bad rap. However, most people don’t realize that an occasional drink can be beneficial to your health. The key is in choosing your drinks wisely and exercising moderation.

Research in the last few years indicates that drinking wine, particularly red wine, may have heart protective benefits. Much of the research has focused on a anti-oxidant found in wine called resveratrol. This compound is believed to help prevent artery blockages caused by fatty deposits.

Other studies, not just that on resveratrol, have found that alcohol taken in moderation may increase high density lipoproteins (HDL), the so-called good cholesterol; reduce blood clot formation and aid in the prevention of arterial damage caused by low density lipoproteins (LDL), the so-called bad cholesterol.

You wouldn’t think beer would be healthy, but you would be surprised. Some research indicates that beer might help prevent bone loss as well as aid …

4 Easy Tips to Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle has been a gradual change for me. In the beginning it was geared around my desire to lose weight. As changes slowly began to happen, it became more about being healthy. Living a healthy lifestyle is about living a balanced life as much as possible, and that is what I have been trying to do. Here are the main changes I have made over several months in order to live a healthier lifestyle.

-Drink 8 glasses of water a day. For me, this was hard. I used to be a Diet Coke junkie until one day I realized that for some reason the taste of the Diet Coke triggered the urge in me to eat junk food. When I stopped drinking Diet Coke, I tried some of the mineral waters and really liked them. I found out, however, that they are not good for you either. …

Workout Routine for a Happy, Balanced Life

I regard exercise as a baseline activity, like sleeping or eating. Following the workout routines from is a must for me. If I want to avoid heart disease, back pain, weight gain, hypertension, and a slew of other maladies, I better keep moving. Besides, I feel incalculably better when I exercise.

I roughly divide my activities into cardio, resistance training and yoga, and try to get enough of all three each week. I like to exercise every day, but one or two of those days will be easy activities like walking, slow bike riding and/or yoga.


I aim to get my heart rate up above 80% of its maximum three times per week, usually through a combination of Spinning, Zumba and step aerobics. When it’s sunny, I like to go outside and do running/walking intervals.

As a writer, I spend a lot of time alone, so I enjoy …

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks?

Is there really such thing as a healthy alcoholic drink? While no one considers alcohol to be healthy, there are some ways to get your vitamins and minerals while drinking an alcoholic beverage. Here are a few drinks that have some nutritional value.

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks: Red wine – Good wine, especially good red wine, has a lot of health benefits (due to its antioxidant properties), but it is also high in calories. Look for low calorie wines and stick with one glass a day.

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks: Screwdriver (vodka and orange juice) – Orange juice has a ton of Vitamin C but it also has a ton of sugar. There are about 150 calories per glass of OJ. But at least you will be getting an essential vitamin.

Healthy Alcoholic Drinks: Strawberry daiquiri or margarita – If there is real fruit in it, you will be getting some of …

How to Help Your Child to Stay Healthy

In today’s often frightening world I think that it’s tempting to be overly cautious in various situations that simply require common sense and care. Our children’s health is one of these cases, with parents taking them to the doctor’s surgery at the first sign of natural symptoms of the healing process. I’ll attempt to explain why it’s good practise to allow the symptoms to run their courses and to adopt preventative measures, though I’m not claiming that children don’t require the medical profession under serious circumstances.

The reason we get infections and diseases is because our immune systems aren’t able to deal with unwanted foreign substances that invade the body. This is due to the fact that it’s in a weakened state from a lack of healthy living and good nourishment. These days we eat too much junk food in the place of vegetables and fruit and processed foods containing …

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle is About Making Choices

Influences from others set patterns that became my lifestyle early in life. My mom is a fantastic cook. Meal time growing up was a family affair and eating out was occasional. She worked out with Jack Lalanne and has always been active and fun loving.

After I married, a battle to manage my weight began after having my second baby and bad choices started affecting my health. Changes in my diet were the first lifestyle adjustment I made. I chose to cook foods we like at home and pass up the fast food restaurant. That was a huge decision involving all of us and my sons gave me grief for a while about it, but I needed to give attention to food that boosts my energy. It’s been a process of elimination whittling down to my ‘feel good’ foods. I read food labels; eat more organic, whole, raw food now; …