A Healthy Life Starts with a Healthy Pregnancy

Staying healthy ought to be the primary concern for every individual, and more so for an expectant mother, as her fitness determines the baby’s health. Biologically, every woman is designed to have a normal pregnancy, but with just some extra care she can safely have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy not just signifies the health of the mother to-be, but also that of the developing fetus. Therefore, physical and mental well being of the expectant mother is foremost for a healthy pregnancy. The golden rule toward a healthy pregnancy has always been fairly consistent – maintaining a nutritious and well balanced diet, exercising regularly, abstaining from cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs and the like, and having specific supplements as a protection against birth defects.

Modern science has made tremendous advancement in the early detection and prevention of birth defects. One such established discovery has been on the usage of folic acid by pregnant women. It has been proved that low levels of folic acid lead to certain neural tube defects, and that it is good to get it in adequate dosages even before conception.

Although a well balanced diet is important for each one of us, it is all the more important for a smooth pregnancy. Therefore, it is critical that the expectant mother gets the right foods in adequate portions. This does not require her to overeat, as typically only around 350 additional calories suffice for most pregnant women. Health care providers normally suggest special diets, should there be any special conditions on a case to case basis.

Staying fit makes the road towards pregnancy, and delivery in particular, much smoother. The expectant mother can go by the recommendations of the health care provider for continuing any regular exercise regimen or for beginning new ones. Specialized fitness methods such as prenatal yoga help condition the mind and body for child birth. However, these should only be practiced under supervised conditions, and with proper instructions.

The expectant mother should also refrain from tobacco, and other such narcotic substances. Passive smoking (second-hand smoking) is proven to be harmful for both the mother to-be and the yet unborn baby, and could lead to premature births and low birth weights in some cases. Consuming alcohol and drugs also results in other health complications and hence need to be avoided.

Last but not the least, getting adequate rest and trying to stay as stress free as possible are equally important while awaiting a joyful motherhood. If you want your child to have the best opportunity to become a happy, healthy adult, you owe it to them to make your best effort to provide them with a good beginning. It all starts with a healthy pregnancy.