Category: Healthy Lifestyle

A Healthy Life Starts with a Healthy Pregnancy

Staying healthy ought to be the primary concern for every individual, and more so for an expectant mother, as her fitness determines the baby’s health. Biologically, every woman is designed to have a normal pregnancy, but with just some extra care she can safely have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

A healthy pregnancy not just signifies the health of the mother to-be, but also that of the developing fetus. Therefore, physical and mental well being of the expectant mother is foremost for a healthy pregnancy. The golden rule toward a healthy pregnancy has always been fairly consistent – maintaining a nutritious and well balanced diet, exercising regularly, abstaining from cigarettes, alcohol, recreational drugs and the like, and having specific supplements as a protection against birth defects.

Modern science has made tremendous advancement in the early detection and prevention of birth defects. One such established discovery has been on the usage …

4 Easy Tips to Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle has been a gradual change for me. In the beginning it was geared around my desire to lose weight. As changes slowly began to happen, it became more about being healthy. Living a healthy lifestyle is about living a balanced life as much as possible, and that is what I have been trying to do. Here are the main changes I have made over several months in order to live a healthier lifestyle.

-Drink 8 glasses of water a day. For me, this was hard. I used to be a Diet Coke junkie until one day I realized that for some reason the taste of the Diet Coke triggered the urge in me to eat junk food. When I stopped drinking Diet Coke, I tried some of the mineral waters and really liked them. I found out, however, that they are not good for you either. …

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle is About Making Choices

Influences from others set patterns that became my lifestyle early in life. My mom is a fantastic cook. Meal time growing up was a family affair and eating out was occasional. She worked out with Jack Lalanne and has always been active and fun loving.

After I married, a battle to manage my weight began after having my second baby and bad choices started affecting my health. Changes in my diet were the first lifestyle adjustment I made. I chose to cook foods we like at home and pass up the fast food restaurant. That was a huge decision involving all of us and my sons gave me grief for a while about it, but I needed to give attention to food that boosts my energy. It’s been a process of elimination whittling down to my ‘feel good’ foods. I read food labels; eat more organic, whole, raw food now; …

Employers – How to Promote Healthy Lifestyle for Employees

Every employer is cutting back expenses. A sick employee is an expense. How much is sick leave costing an employer? The employee is probably being paid when he or she is out sick and the work is not being done. The employer looses twice the money for every day an employee is out sick. How can the employer recoup the loss of money? He or she cannot recoup a loss from illness. That money is gone.

What would be a good way of getting an employer’s monies worth out of an employee? Everyone must invest money to make money. If an employer invests money in his or her employee, he or she will get twofold back.

Giving an employee a chance at a healthy lifestyle will make an employer money. The employee will have better moral, be happier, work harder and miss less work saving the employer money on sick …

Enjoy a More Healthy Lifestyle

The general population are now more than ever becoming increasingly conscious of the need to have a healthy lifestyle. Problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol are less likely to occur if thought is given to diet and exercise.

If you find it difficult running for the bus and get out of breath if you climb the stairs then it may be that the time for change has come. If you spend your day lounging about and eating junk food and drinking soda then you will be limited to what amount of exertion you can undertake. You will find it hard even to play around with your children.

One of the side effects of being overweight is that it makes you insulin resistant and you are more likely to develop diabetes. You are also more prone to suffering from cancer and it is well known that …

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle in My Senior Years

As I get older, I realize more and more how important it is lead a healthy lifestyle if I want to enjoy and get as much out of each and everyday as I possibly can. For me leading a healthy lifestyle not only consists of eating right, exercising, having regular medical checkups, getting enough rest and the other basics of healthy living. It also means enjoying life to its fullest potential. If we aren’t happy with ourselves or life in general, eating that “apple a day, to keep the doctor away”, really isn’t that important, in my book. Here are some of the things I try do to lead a more healthy lifestyle.

  1.  Diet: I’m more aware now then ever before of the foods that I consume, and the ones to avoid to keep myself healthy. I try to keep that salt shaker at arms length, as heart problems do