Taking Health Care Personally

With all the uproar about “Health Care Reform” it begs the question as to what has brought our country to this health crisis in the first place. Is America so unhealthy in high numbers? Or are there other factors that haven’t been considered? Whatever the reason, we need a personal plan for safeguarding our health and that of our family’s.

Safe to say it is always better to avoid going to the doctor if there is a safe, healthy alternative. Three tips on how to make that alternative a reality in your own situation might be the first step toward overall wellness in our nation. Change, the kind that lasts, comes through one person, one family at a time.

  1. Stay positive. Does that sound simplistic? Maybe that’s why it is so hard to convince people about how much can happen by simply staying optimistic, positive and thinking healthy thoughts. It is simple. Say to yourself how healthy you are, appreciate your abilities, health, wellness, and ability to stay that way. Don’t give in to the tendency to talk about all your aches and pains and that a sneeze automatically means you have the swine flu. Whining, complaining, and expecting illness will bring it on faster because you actually invited it into your life.
  2. Eat live food. Want to feed your living body? The best way to prevent and treat any adverse condition or illness is to allow your body to heal itself. Raw vegetables and fruits have the most bio-available nutrients that can aid your body in rebuilding cells to their healthy state, meal after meal. It doesn’t mean you can’t eat your favorite foods, but it is a choice you make on a daily basis. Make changes and eventually it will prove itself out. Add fruit to your breakfast, a salad to lunch, a smoothie (frozen fruit only) for a snack. Eventually you will notice the cravings for sugar and fatty foods will diminish.
  3. Don’t kill the good guys. Antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers, cleaners and wipes are promoted all the time. What they don’t explain to you is that these germs you are killing are not all bad. We are surrounded by germs of every kind, including the kind that aids our own bodies in building natural anti-bodies that combat disease and illness. If you kill all the germs you actually make yourself more susceptible to the bad stuff. Stay clean, but don’t overkill.