What Drinking Soda Can Do to Your Health

Few people would argue that soda isn’t all that healthy- all that sugar, all those calories. But boy, soda sure tastes good! That is, until you realize what soda can ultimately do to your health over time. Knowing that soda is more than just empty calories is a real eye-opener, and can persuade an individual to make healthier beverage options. Here are just some of the consequences that may be paid by drinking soda in excess.

Soda can be devastating on the liver, almost as bad as drinking alcohol can. With the liver fighting so hard to expel all that fructose, sucrose and other unsavory components of soda, from the body, a person can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver, never having had an alcoholic beverage.

Your kidneys can suffer as well. Cola type beverages seem to have a greater impact on kidneys than non-cola drinks do, but nevertheless, soda in general is no friend of your poor kidneys. The acidity of a cola drink can lead to deficiency of minerals in the body, leading to kidney stones. Cola drinks are the most acidic beverages you can consume, leading to the next concern…

You erode your teeth. Once your enamel is gone, you can’t get it back, and soda in general erodes the enamel off the teeth, leading to weakened tooth enamel, cavities, infection,and gum disease. While sodas may quench thirst, they do little to help your teeth and flush out bacteria and keep the teeth strong and healthy. Rather, sodas have the opposite effect on the teeth.

Soda can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Blame the sugars, but high levels of fructose in soda can lead to chronic medical conditions that can be difficult to control. Even diet sodas still wreck havoc on the body, and should be avoided.

Soda is dehydrating, due to all that sugar. Sugar uses a lot of water as it gets expelled through the body, and the water in soda isn’t enough to compensate for all the water being wasted just to try to get rid of all the soda you drink. Soda is not a thirst quencher, it’s a sponge that leeches water out of the body. The body needs water to run smoothly, and soda just sucks it all out. All the more reason to just drink water!

