New Mommy, No Gym, No Problem Workout!

Between constant feeding, diapering, and caring for a newborn, new moms are often left with little time or energy to work out. The good news is with these 5 kick-starting, no equipment moves, success in postpartum fitness can be achieved in your living room!

1) Plié Squat: Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, turning your toes out at a 45 degree angle. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself down into a squat until top of legs are parallel to the floor. Push back to standing. Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.

2) Reverse Lunge with Oblique Twist: Stand with feet together. Step your left foot back into a lunge, making sure your front leg is bent at a right angle, with your knee directly over your toes. Twist your torso 90 degrees to the right, hold for one count. Rotate back to face front, and bring left …

Aerobic Workouts You Can Do Without Using Your Legs

For many individuals, finding a way of increasing one’s aerobic fitness level can be a challenge. This difficulty can be compounded for certain individuals, namely the wheelchair bound or individuals with leg injuries. For those individuals, achieving the heart rate necessary to break a sweat and increase cardiovascular fitness can be a seemingly impossible challenge. However, there are a few ways one can break a sweat without heavily utilizing one’s legs.

Swimming can be an excellent cardiovascular workout which makes use of the entire body. For individuals with leg injuries (shin splints, pulled muscles, etc.), swimming can provide varying degrees of leg use which the swimmer can dictate. In addition, activities such as running in a pool can increase the heart rate without putting excess pressure on the leg muscles and ligaments, making this the ideal workout if you are recovering from a running-related workout and still want to do

Tips to Get Your Kids Eating Healthy Foods

You have decided to eat healthy. Your kids, however, are not going along with the program. Here are some tips you can use to get them eating the same healthy food that you eat, and eating it happily.

#1 Tip to get your kids eating healthy foods: Wrap it up.
Kids will eat just about anything in a flour tortilla wrap. To get them to eat you new healthy foods, keep whole-wheat flour tortillas on hand along with low fat sour cream, salsa, and raw spinach. When hiding your child’s healthy food in this tortilla wrap, be sure to press out any excess moisture which will make it fall apart, or they might actually see what you are trying to hide. Some items you can put in your wrap are shredded chicken and onions, egg whites, tofu and vegetables, shredded meats mixed with brown rice, and vegetables, seafood, or anything …

Healthy Drink Recipes: Cranberry Minute Maid Drinks

For any mothers and fathers who are looking for alternative healthy drinks besides using kool-aid products, there are a plethora of resources when it comes to incorporating concentrated cranberry juice drinks as a healthy alternative. American families can choose a healthy way to serve wholesome and nutritional drinks to their children without all of the unwanted additives that have become a part of our mainstream society.

Not only does cranberry juice fight off many infections, but these little berries offer a stream of powerful antioxidants for growing children and adults who seek optimum health. You can never get enough of these natural flavonoids, cut the unwanted sugar with using concentrated cranberry juice as an alternative to laboratory chemical compounds.

Serves 4 to 6

Any one gallon of Minute Maid fruit punches

2 oz. of Tree of Life cranberry concentrate or any 100% bottle of cranberry concentrate

1 ½ slice of

Drinking Healthy – Try Organic Beers

In recent years, more and more people are becoming interested in healthier lifestyles and part of that is eating organic foods. What’s “organic” signify? The food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers are synthetic; there are no hormones or antibiotics given to livestock.

Interestingly, Jon Cadoux, the founder of Peak Brewing Co, said this about this organic movement: “Organic is not a new movement. Our grandparents grew up eating organic foods, although it wasn’t called that.” It’s just going back in time.

Brewer’s are also taking this trip backwards and tapping into the health conscious members of society by brewing organic beer. This, of course, is my favorite organic food, and it’s really a drink.

What constitutes an organic beer? Ninety-five percent of its ingredients must be grown organically, that is, free of the use of chemicals and pesticides. Beer is comprised of nearly that much grain: barley, …

Taking Health Care Personally

With all the uproar about “Health Care Reform” it begs the question as to what has brought our country to this health crisis in the first place. Is America so unhealthy in high numbers? Or are there other factors that haven’t been considered? Whatever the reason, we need a personal plan for safeguarding our health and that of our family’s.

Safe to say it is always better to avoid going to the doctor if there is a safe, healthy alternative. Three tips on how to make that alternative a reality in your own situation might be the first step toward overall wellness in our nation. Change, the kind that lasts, comes through one person, one family at a time.

  1. Stay positive. Does that sound simplistic? Maybe that’s why it is so hard to convince people about how much can happen by simply staying optimistic, positive and thinking healthy thoughts.

The No Carb Food List

Carbohydrates are macro nutrients found in food. There are three kinds of Carbohydrates: sugar; starch and fibre. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. In their absence, your body will use protein and fat for energy. While these are necessary for the body, a low carb diet has many benefits. If you need to reduce the carbs in your diet, you may find this No Carb Food List very handy.

If you want to get technical, fats are the only foods that are completely carb free. Even meats and seafood have trace amounts of carbohydrates.All plants, fruits, and vegetables contain some amount of carbs to varying degrees.

The No Carb Food List and What You Should Know:

The items on this no carb food list have a minor, amount of net carbs – very tiny as in fractions of a gram, almost zero. The (almost) no carb foods …

How to Get Your Child to Eat Healthy

It’s a full time job just getting your child to eat healthy. More often than not I plan their daily menu, because it’s important that my children learn healthy habits now. There are times when I find myself making a variety of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, not only because I want everyone to eat but because I know how important it is for them ‘to’ eat well at this stage on account that their minds and bodies are growing at such a rapid rate and they need the nutrition. More importantly, I do it because they have individual taste and I understand that. Vitamins are also an important part of that, because they don’t always eat everything given to them and if you have a picky eater in the family it is especially important, because they do need that extra boost.

First and foremost, I find that it …

Super Foods that Heal: Eating for Healthy Benefits

Eating fruits and vegetables has always been a good idea to promote health and well-being, but did you know that certain foods can actually help to heal your body and protect it against certain illnesses. Let’s take a closer look at these foods, studied by the fine folks at Nutri Coach, and see how they can help you.

Artichoke – In ancient civilizations, artichokes were considered an aphrodisiac, a breath freshener, and a deodorant. Modern studies of this vegetable show that the healing properties are quite beneficial. Silymarin, a powerful antioxidant, is found in artichokes and is believed to have the ability to help the liver regenerate healthy tissue. It is also a diuretic, aids in digestion, and helps healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Artichokes are high in fiber and eaten as a part of a healthy diet can help to reduce the risks of heart disease, cancer, and …