Leading a Healthy Lifestyle is About Making Choices

Influences from others set patterns that became my lifestyle early in life. My mom is a fantastic cook. Meal time growing up was a family affair and eating out was occasional. She worked out with Jack Lalanne and has always been active and fun loving.

After I married, a battle to manage my weight began after having my second baby and bad choices started affecting my health. Changes in my diet were the first lifestyle adjustment I made. I chose to cook foods we like at home and pass up the fast food restaurant. That was a huge decision involving all of us and my sons gave me grief for a while about it, but I needed to give attention to food that boosts my energy. It’s been a process of elimination whittling down to my ‘feel good’ foods. I read food labels; eat more organic, whole, raw food now; especially greens and dark fruits. Also, I try not to drink my calories. Water is the best drink and it allows my energy to flow freely.

Exercise that is wholesome is exercise that is not related to my job. My stress is relieved when I exercise for fun. Making a change in activity triggers a healthy response in my body. I keep myself motivated to exercise by incorporating indoor and outdoor activities into my lifestyle. Calisthenics is a mainstay in my routine and I include a shiatsu massage exercise orb to add variety to strengthening and core movements.

Getting outside is as mentally invigorating as it is physically. I walk trails, around my neighborhood, with friends, family and my dog. My family likes to go bowling, however paddling my canoe is the richest exercise and has deep affects. I literally feel when my stress leaves and then, I catch a second wind.

Knowing that I am not alone in my efforts to achieve a healthy lifestyle de-stresses my mind. Occasionally, I need reminders to breathe and think positively. So I talk with therapists, read self help books, join support groups and do the work suggested. However, the greatest support to my mental and emotional health is a lifestyle that includes helping others. And, I find balance in my life when I look up to seek a power greater than me that I’m accountable to.

I embrace life as it changes. Living a healthy lifestyle is about making choices that become patterns of good things with good affects for me and those around me. Healthy living is a lifestyle that lasts a life time.